Chapel Time, March 3, 2021
Today in Chapel we learned about Joshua sending two spies into Jericho and how Joshua lead the people across the Jordan River. Our story came from Josuha 3 and 4.
Rahab promised to help the spies if they would save her family when they came back. The spies told her to hang a piece of scarlet chord so that they would know where she was and they would spare her and her family.
The Israelites started on their way into the Promised Land. They came to the Jordan and did not know how they would cross. As always, God provided a way. He told them that the priest would go first with the Ark of The Covenant and they were to follow. God parted the water, just like with the Red Sea, and the people crossed. They build a monument from 12 boulders as a reminder of how God helped them to cross into the land they had been promised.
We also read today from “Love Does for Kids” from Bob Goff. Today our story was about “Shiny Pennies”. I do hope you are inspired the way I was from this story.
We aren’t enough on our own, but God still decies to see us as incredibly valuable to Him. This is called grace.
Our devotional today was from “Indescribable” by Louie Giglio
Genesis 1:3 – God said, “Let there be light!”And there was alight.
Did you know the only thing faster than the speed of light is the speed of God?? Our God is so amazing!
**Photos provided by Sweet Publishing / FreeBibleimages.org
About Chapel Time
Join us on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays for “live” Bible lessons, pledges, songs, and basic educational lessons. Sometimes we have math lessons, we talk about Geography and we always talk about God and His beautiful Creation. This is designed to help your children/family come to know God more and to equip you to make Him known to others. It is my prayer that these videos will reach those who do not know Jesus also!! Enjoy this as a way for your kids to watch clean, educational videos. I hope these videos are helpful to you and your family!! Share them and use this as a tool to reach others! Join us as we are united in the passionate pursuit of the next generation.
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