This blog was started as a way for me to share what The Lord has placed on my heart to share with people. I pray this will encourage you. My goal is to encourage, equip, and walk alongside families as they raise disciples in their homes to go make disciples of all the nations! Please make sure to swing by the blog and comment before you leave, or contact me using my contact form. I would love to hear from you! Join me as we passionately pursue the next generation!
A Little About Me

Mama Kim
Hi! I’m Kim, known to many as “Miss Kim” or “Mama Kim”. Thanks for stopping by my blog to see what The Lord has placed on my heart to share.
I am a child of God who is blessed with a beautiful family and I spend my days planning for, connecting with, and serving families. I love to teach and equip children, students, and parents to go and share The Good News of Christ!
I was raised in Johnston County, in a sweet little farming community named Corinth Holders, very close to family and God’s Creation. The Lord moved us to Carteret County in 2006. I had no idea what was ahead and I thank God! I probably would have been too intimidated to move!! Ha!! God always knows best. We moved in May of 2006 and I started teaching 2-year-olds in August of 2006 at Cape Carteret Baptist Church, the church we had come to love.
From there, God just kept transitioning things and over the years I have moved from Preschool Teacher to Children’s Ministry Director to Preschool Director to Family Ministry Director. God has taught me so much and placed me in a wonderful place with great leadership. God has grown our family so much through ministry to Him. I am so very grateful!!! I cannot imagine life without our Church Family and all of the babies that I have gotten the opportunity to love and watch grow over the years. Many of my first babies at CCBC have graduated and moved on to college now. Crazy how fast time flies!! I am so thankful to be a part of a church that is united in the passionate pursuit of the next generation!
Family Life

Christmas 2020 – My Sweet Family!

Me and Mr. Jones – My Hubby
Steven and I are blessed to have a beautiful daughter who loves Jesus! She is one pretty awesome young lady!!!! We all “do ministry” together. It is our life, not a job. We love our people and oftentimes, when people ask how many kids we have, we have to explain that we have one biological but many that call us Mama Kim and Big Daddy. We are so greatly blessed and we thank God for all our children.

Me and Our Girl
Be Still
My life verse is Psalm 46:10. God shows me often how being still to see Him work is so important in life. Being still is a struggle for me, but He has shown me the importance of just being still so that we can hear Him. One of the biggest times He got my attention, was when Julia was born and I had issues with delivery and I had no choice but to be still. I had to be still and hear Him and that day, I promised Him to love and honor Him all my days if I could just live to see my baby. He answered that prayer in such a big way with such big plans for our family. We had no clue.
The next huge time, was on an airplane at about 45,000 feet up and about 13 hours into a flight when I thought I would just about ready to jump and get off the plane! He clearly told me to sit down, trust Him, and know that He was God. It was quite an amazing experience and now I love to fly! I am so thankful for what He showed me and how He changed my life in the days after that flight. Absolutely love Him!!! Our God is so amazing!!!
Here’s a Glimpse at Our Family

We love the mountains!

Serious faces are hard to come by in this family!!

Bailey – 1 Year Old- She is a mess!!

Nala, Our Kitty – she is a talker!