9 am Bible Study Groups
3/4 year olds – with Miss Carlee
This week in our 3/4-year-old class, we studied how “Jesus gave his followers a mission on earth. The Holy Spirit helps me to do this mission.”
We are here so that more people can know Jesus. Who can you tell about Jesus this week? Today?
Click on the links below for your parent resources: (there are two pages, click on each one)
On A Mission for Jesus – BB pg 1
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade and Tween Classes
KEY PASSAGE: 2 Timothy 3:14-17
This week started a new lesson series called “Dive In”. Today in our lesson we learned about how Paul wrote a letter to Timothy to make sure that he was well prepared to teach and instruct his church.
Paul writes that the Bible is “God-breathed,” meaning it is the very Word of God.
Click on the link below to enjoy the parent page – be sure and discuss with your kids what they learned.
Why Learn To Swim Parent Page – Parent Resource Click Here
10:30 Service
This week we talked about how Jesus loves us no matter what and He loves us so much that He gave His life for us!
Mark 14:12-26, The Last Supper
God loved us so much, he sent his only son to Earth to die for us. Because God shared his son, we can share our lives with Jesus.
Make It Stick- Jesus Shares His Live With Us – Parent Resource
CC Kids Worship (Kindergarten – 5th Grades)
This Sunday we talked about Samuel. We learned that we can hear God’s voice if we learn to be still and listen.
Our lesson passage was 1 Samuel 3:1-21, The Lord Calls Samuel. We also talked about how God can use anyone at any age to grow His Kingdom.
Below is the link for your parent resource page – I hope this is helpful in discussing how we should “be still and listen” with your children. Have a great week!!!
Reminder: No Kid’s Worship on Sunday, May 30th. This will be a family worship day for kids Kindergarten and older.
CC Kids Worship
CC Kids Worship takes place weekly at 10:30 in the CC Kids Wing and is lead by some of our Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers… We have worship music, a lesson, and game and some really good discussions. Join us in person or live on my Facebook page. We meet every Sunday except the last Sunday of the month. The last Sunday of the month is family worship so that families can participate in communion together. We would love to have you join us in CC Kids Worship as we unite in the passionate pursuit of the next generation.
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