Advent – Week 1 – Day 6 – HOPE
Scripture: Genesis 48:8-12, Revelation 5:5
As we mentioned yesterday, Jacob had twelve sons. His favorite, which he did not try to hide, was Joseph. He loved him so much! However, God chose Judah to be the one through whom Jesus would come to earth. And He did!!!
Now, don’t get me wrong, Judah had done some pretty rotten things!!! Like father, like son!!! Judah sold his brother Jospeh to be an Eqyptian slave!!!! Then he did some really terrible things to his son’s wife! Yuck!!!
But God….. my favorite phrase in how He changes things……. God used Judah and all his wrongdoings to grow him. Eventually, Judah would even offer to sacrifice himself (makes me think of Jesus – how He gave His life for us) in the place of others.
God uses broken people to fulfill His promises.
Share your thoughts~
1 – Why do you think God chose Judah to be the family line that Jesus came through?
2 – How can you have hope? Can God use you even though you have made mistakes? How have we seen God work that shows us that He is faithful?
Talk about these things and ponder on just how amazing our God is!!!
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