Click on the video above if you want to view our Chapel Time yesterday!! We had so much fun!!!
We studied how Miriam and Aaron complained about Moses. God was not happy about their quarreling. God called out to Miriam and Aaron and asked them to go to the Tabernacle. He met them there in the cloud and told them how He had chosen Moses to communicate with directly. When the cloud with God’s presence left, Moses and Aaron turned to realize that Miriam had become a Leper. Leprosy was a dreaded disease during Bible times and was very contagious. Anyone with the disease had to go out into the wilderness. Although Miriam and Aaron argued with Moses, they all still loved one another and they were sad that she had to leave the camp. When God heard Moses crying because of his sister, God told Moses that He would heal her, but that she needed to learn a lesson, as did everyone else. God wanted them to know that it is wrong to argue with the one He has chosen as leader. Miriam had to stay away from the camp for a week. Moses and Aaron were so happy to see her upon her return and Miriam had learned a huge lesson from God.
How would you have felt if God said to you, “I want the three of you to come to the door of The Tabernacle immediately?” Can you imagine how they felt?
This week we started a study about New Zealand as our Geography lesson. I have attached some links and photos below. Make sure you draw a picture of the flag and send me pictures of your drawings!!! Prizes will be mailed for those who send me pictures of their work!!!!
Who can tell me why the flag has these stars in this arrangement? The first person to answer gets a prize!!! Answers must be in the comments below to win.
See you on Monday!!! Hugs from me and our classroom pets!!!
About Chapel Time
Join us on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays for “live” Bible lessons, pledges, songs, and basic educational lessons. Sometimes we have math lessons, we talk about Geography and we always talk about God and His beautiful Creation. This is designed to help your children/family come to know God more and to equip you to make Him known to others. It is my prayer that these videos will reach those who do not know Jesus also!! Enjoy this as a way for your kids to watch clean, educational videos. I hope these videos are helpful to you and your family!! Share them and use this as a tool to reach others!
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