Chapel at Gramercy Christian School – January 29, 2021
Today we did not have online Chapel Time – I was in person having Chapel at Gramercy Christian School. It is always a blessing to be with these students and the staff there.
Created Different from The Rest – We Have A Soul
In Chapel today, we talked about how humans are different than the rest of Creation because God gave us something very special. Something that lasts forever. None of the rest of Creation has this special “addition” that we have. This special thing we have is God-breathed. We all have a soul. Want it or not, we have it, and it lives forever.
If God thought it was special enough to give to us and no one else, it must be pretty special. Right?
If you look at our “Teens” tab, you will see we are doing a study on Soul Searching right now. Many of my thoughts for today came from those lessons. If God thought a soul was special enough to give to us and not the rest of Creation, then it must be pretty special. We should take care of our souls. Learning, spending time with God in prayer, reading the Bible, and many other suggestions were the answers the kids gave today. I suggest rest for the soul. Rest. We all need to rest. God rested on the 7th day of Creation. Not because He was tired, but as an example of the Sabbath and stopping what we have done the rest of the week to replenish and refresh. Our souls need rest and they need to be replenished. My favorite way to rest my soul is to get outside in God’s Creation and just be in His presence in Creation. Just soak in the warmth of the sun He made as it warms me and reminds me that He is near.
How do you refresh your soul? How do you rest from the busyness in your life?
I encourage you to do some intentional resting. Intentional. That was one of our words today. Doing something with determination and purpose – intentional. Spend some intentional time with Jesus. Rest. You need Him.
This world tells us that we can “replenish” and find “rest” in so many things. I encourage you today to find that rest with Jesus. The rest of the things the world offers, well, they are just temporary. They will end and go away. Jesus is the “living water” that will quench our thirst forever. Rest and spend time with Him.
Now, I invite you to enjoy this sweet blessing of little voices praising Jesus today in Worship. I was so blessed to be a part of this Worship Time with them. There is just something about little voices praising. Click on the picture below and enjoy!!!!
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