God All-Powerful – Abraham and Promises from God – Narnia Story-Time – “A Horse and His Boy” Chapter 4
Chapel Time – January 12, 2022
Today in Chapel we learned about God All-Powerful – El Shaddai (EL shad-EYE). God is all-powerful and this is one of His names that means He is All-Powerful.
We also learned today how God made a promise to Abraham, and while it seemed impossible, we learn that NOTHING is impossible with God. God can do anything!!! We see Him work in this lesson from The Bible and how He gave Abraham and Sarah a baby at a very old age!!
This lesson is from Genesis Chapters 12 -21. Please take time to read the scriptures together. Spending time in God’s Word together will never be a bad thing! I promise!!
In Naria Story-Time today, we read “Shasta Falls In With The Narnians”. I have to admit, this chapter was far more exciting than the last. Wait until you hear this story!!! Goodness!
Here are your Biblical Parallels from “A Family Guide to Narnia” by Christin Ditchfield. Think about these points as you listen to the story:
Psalm 34:5 – “Those who look to him are radiant.”
~ As the travelers into town they find that the Calormen’s citizens are held captive to a place that is smelly, sad, and overwhelming, and just not a good scene at all! There seems to be a sense of hopelessness all around. Scripture says, “They have neither knowledge nor understanding. They walk around in darkness”: – Psalm 82:5. Seems that this is a town full of sin and where people need to know about Jesus – where true HOPE comes from.
~We see how the Narnians bring joy and laughter and motivation and respect for one another. That is not the case for the people of Tashbaan. The difference is that Narnia is a place where they are a nation under God – where they have met Aslan (which represents Jesus). The Bible tells us that “God is light; in Him, there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5) and that His children are “children of light” (Ephesians 5:8). If you are ever in a place where there are no believers, you would see that this difference is very real in our world today, in the real world. There are places where people do not believe in God and those places are very much like the description of Tashbaan. While Narnia is a made-up story, the points are very applicable to the world we live in for sure!
Challenge: Sometimes people are not who they appear to be. What does God see? (Hint: 1 Samuel 16:7) – Let me know what you find!
See you in Chapel!!
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