628 Wednesday – James in 5 – Lesson 2 – Just Do It!
These notes are from “James in 5” by Josh Mutter from Download Youth Ministry with comments added from “Mama Kim” and our discussion last night.
Read – James 2:14-26
Going Deeper: James 2:14-19
- Vs 14 – The big question that is being asked is, “Can you claim to be a follower of Jesus if your life looks exactly the same as you did before you met Jesus?” Another way to ask it is, “Can you be a follower of Jesus and be the same as people who don’t follow Jesus?” If your life isn’t different, is your faith real? James says NO. Accepting Jesus into your life means you have “new life” and you should be changed. Changed in how you love, how you act, how you think, how you talk. Jesus is life changing. You cannot stay the same as you were before Jesus and truly be following Him.
- Vs 15 & 16 – To back this up James gives an example. What if you know of someone who is hungry and cold and you say to them “Here, eat something and have my sweater,” but you never give them food or your sweater? What are you? A jerk! These are empty words. They mean nothing. You have said the right thing but you are not being helpful at all. Faith without action is empty. It is a lie. It is not really faith.
- VS 17 – James says that this is not real faith – this is not what it means to follow Jesus. You can’t just say you are a follower of Jesus and not do anything about it. You can’t just sing the songs or read the Bible and think that your following Jesus. It must show up in how you act. Our faith should make a difference in how we treat people. It should make a difference in how we approach our work at school or a job. It needs to make a real difference…otherwise it isn’t real. It means nothing. And if your faith doesn’t show up in your actions, James is asking if you are actually a follower of Jesus. Walk the walk and talk the talk. Put actions to your passion – if you love Jesus then let it show!
- VS 18 & 19 – Some people might be thinking that it is possible to have faith in Jesus but it doesn’t need to show up in their actions. James thinks that this is impossible. What you are really showing is that you know things in your head. This is the same as demons. They know Jesus exists. They even know He is powerful. But it doesn’t change them. It is just head knowledge. If you claim to follow Jesus, but it doesn’t make you act more life Jesus, then it is just head knowledge and that isn’t good enough. Demons know that Jesus is real and that He is powerful – yet they do not change. Head knowledge is no good without heart knowledge!!
So What?
How do we live out what it means to follow Jesus?
Jesus sums up the entire Bible by telling us to love God and to love others (Matthew 22:37-40). This is a good place for us to start when it comes to living out what it means to follow Jesus.
1 – Love God. Put God before everything else in your life.
2 – Love Others. Act out God’s love for others. Let God’s love shine from you.
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