Blessed – And – Grateful
Good morning friends!!! I hope this finds you well.
I was walking through the kitchen the other day, and I noticed my dish towels – Love Rae Dunn and her stuff – but I had these hanging on the oven door and it caught my attention. Disregard the wrinkles!! They get used quite a bit! Ha!
I ask you, what catches your eye? Notice anything about Blessed vs. Grateful?
Here is what ran through my mind……….how often does our Blessed outshine our Grateful? Better yet, how often does our Gratefulness look wrinkled and hidden and not very grateful at all?
See the Grateful towel?? Curled in, cannot even see all the letters, (and if I am honest, I blurred the photo a little) to match how it spoke to me. How often does our gratefulness for our blessings look like this towel?
Y’all, we are Blessed beyond belief, and our blessings are showing up boldly and quietly all around us, but often our Grateful is blurry and not complete and even wrinkled all up! Does that speak to you? It surely spoke to me.
I love these “God Winks” from God. And yes, He can even use a dish towel to send us a message.
I hope this encourages you today to get your Grateful towel straight and shined up and hanging right! We are Blessed by a Father who loves us and carries us through the wrinkles in life!!!
Open your eyes to the Blessings evening in the wrinkles!!!!
If you are struggling to find your blessings in the mist of wrinkles and trials, please message me or comment below. I would love to chat and help you to see the blessings that are all around, even when life is all wrinkled up!
Sending love to you all!!!
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